Catalans, Jews and traitors, you are going to pay for the damages you cause

Madrid – the leaflets that were distributed during the demonstration that had been approved by the government, a few hours following  the Cup finals, under the heading “Unity of Spain”, were a collection of slanderous statements and threats against the Catalans. “You will die like beasts because you have betrayed our Faith”, was written in the leaflets that carried the symbol of the Falange Party.


A few hours prior to the Royal Cup final game between the Barça and Atletico football teams, the government approved an ultra-right demonstration in which leaflets that called for violence with no reservation would be distributed. In these leaflets, phrases like the following were written: “Catalans, Jews and traitors, you are going to pay for the damages you are causing”.


The demonstration passed not too far from “the Calderon”, the place where the game took place, and the symbols and flags of pre-constitution Spain adorned the “March for the Unity of Spain”, and for war against the Basques and the Catalans. The leaflet called for the death of the Catalans “Because of their betrayal of our Faith”.

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