Do you think that antisemitism in Poland is a general phenomenon? (Survey results)

Half of our readers are of the opinion that antisemitism is from time immemorial a widespread general phenomenon in our country, and that on the social level it does not carry a mark of disgrace, whereas 12 percent of those polled think that antisemitism is totally inexistent. Below are the results of our poll from 15:00:


On the last issue of Newsweek, Tomasz Lis maintained that “In Poland, antisemitism and hatred perfectly endure”, and that “it’s not merely a marginal state of mind”. As a substantiation of his thesis, he specified and explained that antisemitic pamphlets and “writings” can still be acquired at kiosks, written hate messages about [alleged] Pessach (Jewish passover) sacrifices, about families of Jewish food slaughterers and about people’s enemies appear on web forums, and antisemitic shouts, screams and slogans are heard at stadiums.


Are you of the opinion that antisemitism is a widespread general phenomenon?


Below are the figures about our readers’ opinions on this assertion, according to our survey results from 15:00, in which 4,649 people were polled:


Half of those polled agreed with Tomacz Lis, while pointing out that “Antisemitism is a general phenomenon, and on the social level antisemitic states of mind are not stained by any mark of disgrace”;


24 percent of those polled were of the opinion that “if antisemitic incidents do occur, then they gain greatly inflated publicity, and portray or depict a false image of Poland and Poles”. 12 percent believed that “antisemitism is totally inexistent in Poland, but on the other hand Polish heads are simply fed with such assumptions”;


8 percent think that antisemitism constitutes a grave problem that requires serious consideration, and that “antisemitic incidents are gradually and increasingly turning more and more prevalent”;


6 percent of our readers reached the conclusion that those issues are “very complicated”. 

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