Antisemitic assault on teen by fellow pupil at Co Antrim school

Belfast – A pupil with special educational needs was brutally assaulted at school in a race hate attack.


His attacker was only suspended from school for two days after the terrifying ordeal that has left the 14-year-old away from the classroom for more than a week.


But staff at Carrickfergus College, who it is claimed waited two hours before contacting the victim’s mother, never revealed to her that her son, who has Asperger’s syndrome, had been kicked in the head.


It was only 12 hours later when Sharon Lough took her son Matthew to A&E complaining of a headache that it came to light that he had suffered concussion and suspected unconsciousness.


Matthew, who also has sensory processing disorder, has been so traumatised by the ongoing antisemitic bullying that he is off school.


The PSNI has confirmed it is investigating reports of an assault on March 14 at North Road, where the college is situated.

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