2011 Antisemitism report in Venezuela

Antisemitism in Venezuela, 2011

This basic study, which began in 2011, was launched with 1,540 articles with antisemitic contents which were published over the course of the year.  From the data brought below, it’s evident how this prejudice is being promoted in Venezuela by the socialist media vehicles of the government and its representatives, and how something that we may call national antisemitism is gradually assuming shape.

It should be emphasized that some of those 1,540 articles were also published in other media vehicles, thus reaching a number of 2,492 publications, which may theoretically bring about an expanded propagation and dissemination of those prejudices among the Venezuelan population. The difference between both numbers constitutes a data element that can be interpreted in the following manner: On average, 3 of every 5 articles were re-published again in at least one additional media vehicle.

Nevertheless, the data brought above do not fully express this phenomenon, since there is an entire universe of approximately sixty five media vehicles which transmitted antisemitic messages and which were analyzed by the Federation of the Jewish Communities in Venezuela (CAIV). The aforementioned numerical data lacks iinformations concerning local newspapers, community media vehicles (radiophonic, televisionary and printed), and also grafitti paintings created in midland regions of Venezuela and comments written by people from all segments of population who use social networks such as Twitter, Facebook or others, as well as other forms of interpersonal or community means of communication, such as manifestos, artist magazines and in fact the whole world of alternative media, with the encouragement of the state or civil organizations.

In order to listen to CAIV’s report in Spanish, click on the following link:

Antisemitism in Venezuela, 2011


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