Former IU employee pleads guilty to antisemitic act

Former Indiana University employee Mark Zacharias has been sentenced to 150 days of probation, counseling and 40 hours of community service for using a rock to break the glass of an information board in the building that houses IU’s Jewish Studies program. If Zacharias breaks his probation agreement, he will serve 30 days in jail.


Zacharias pled guilty to the charges at a hearing Monday and was convicted of a criminal mischief, a Class-B misdemeanor. He had previously been charged with 2 class D felonies, but those charges were dropped as part of a plea agreement.


IU fired Zacharias from his job as a scholarship coordinator shortly after the event took place November 2010.


Rabbi Steven Ballaban with Temple Shir Tikvah addressed the court room after the hearing, saying he and his congregation want to reach out to Zacharias if he needs assistance.


“I spoke about how sorry I am and numerous other people are, including members of my congregation, for what Mr. Zacharias has done to his own life,” he says. “The suffering that I’m sure he has experienced and will continue to feel as the result of some decisions that he made last year.”


Ballaban says his congregation meets at the United Presbyterian Church, where a window was smashed the same night as the incident in Goodbody Hall. Several anti-Semitic acts of vandalism were reported that night, but prosecuting attorneys say Zacharias cannot be connected to those events. The prosecuting and defense attorneys declined to comment for this story.

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