Jobbik member prepares for attacking the Zionists

Budapest – 200-300 participants remembered the so-called “Nazis’ honor day” in the region of Normafa. On February 11th 1945, the German and Hungarian forces tried to make and assault on Buda’s fortress. 


The event is being directed by the Pax Hungarica movement and the National Revolution Party, together with Jobbik’s hooligan group Betyársereg, the youth movement of district 64 (HVIM) taht carries out its activities in the framework of the Jobbik organization. The movement leader, Toroczkai Toth Laszlo, the party representative from the Csongrad district and the honorary president Zagyva Gyorgy Gyula, Jobbik’s parliament representative were present there together.


Tyirityán Zsolt, the leader of the Betyársereg group claims that times will come when the Hungarians will be the leaders of Europe and the white race will be once again “declared” as the world’s masters. According to Tyirityán, “those who don’t understand the breakthrough spirit will never comprehend National Socialism”.


Incze Béla, the representative of the groups related to the HVIM movement, began his speech and made a comparison between the siege of the Buda Fortress and the present generation, by saying: “Gasoline should be spilled over one who’s not satisfied with a shot in his belly, and then he should be set up in flames. We cannot expect better things from the Zionist rulers of the world. Similar things will happen to us as well if we don’t prepare ourselves for the attack. Neither for a withdrawal nor for an escape, but for an attack” – so concluded his speech Incze, a close associate of Toroczkai Toth Laszlo, who’s also involved with HVIM.


Lantos János talked in the name of Pac Hungarica, and concluded his speech by saying: “Long live the brotherhood-in-arms between Hungarians and Germans, bravo for the Europe of white peoples, bravo for victory! Persistence!”. 


The relationship between the group of thugs and the Jobbik movement became official 3 years ago: In the summer of 2009, Toroczkai (Toth) Laszlo organized in the city of Szeged a strategic meeting named “National Covenant”, where the most important force of the “National side” made a pact: Wonna (Zrizatz) Gábor from Jobbik, chairman, Budhazi Georgi, Kisch Robert, the captain from the “Hungarian Guardia”, Zjeba Giula – chairman of the HVIM movement and Tyirityán Zsolt, the leader of the Betyársereg group of thugs.


As we wrote, in last year’s August, the Jobbik’s “cultural” festival that took place in the Hungarian Island, Tyirityán Zsolt talked about shot-killing “the stinky and rotten Jews” and other “colorful” people, and then Jobbik tried to draw away from the group of thugs. The Jobbik spokesman, Duru Dura, claimed that there is no pact between the Betyársereg group of thugs and Jobbik and that the key trait of their relationship comprise of good neighborly relations only. In the meantime, during one of the official events that took place in the “Hungarian Island”, Toroczkai Toth Laszlo responded to question directed at him, by saying: A cooperative strategy is functioning well between HVIM, Jobbik, the Betyársereg group of thugs and the Guardia.


The cooperation between both groups got a new twist – negatively speaking – in last year’s September, after Novak Elod’s claim that more and more transgressors, persons with criminal records and former prisoners are gradually joining the group of thugs and he further claims that that’s also the reason why Tyirityán Zsolt hit the vice chairman of the Jobbik movement. Therefore, Wonna (Zrizatz) Gábor advised members to halt the common membership between both movements.


There is no information concerning the members’ response to Wonna (Zrizatz) Gábor’s recommendation, but the Neo-Nazi event organized by the HVIM movement, with the participation of Jobbik and Betyársereg members, is a fact.

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