Attack on Jewish-owned shop

Edgware, London – A gang has attacked the premises of a Jewish estate agent, shouting antisemitic obscenities and smashing windows of the Edgware business, witnesses reported.


Police have arrested one member of the gang, who are alleged to have shouted “we will kill all you Jews” at staff of the estate agent Melvin Jacobs, on Manor Park Crescent, around lunchtime today .


One witness alleged that three burly men entered the shop, joined shortly after by a teenager and a woman, and shouted antisemitic abuse at three members of staff, threatening their families. The window of the estate agents was allegedly smashed during the attack.


A Barnet police spokeswoman said: “We were called after reports of a disturbance and vandalism at the estate agent. We are investigating reports of threats being made. One man was arrested at the scene and enquiries are ongoing.”


A Community Security Trust spokesman said they were aware of the incident and would be monitoring it.

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