Saudis celebrated credit exposure: it is OK to steal from Jews

Saudi surfers did not try today (Tuesday) to conceal their glee about the Israeli credit card fiasco, brought on, allegedly by their compatriots. “If I had been a hacker I would have hoped for exposure of 800,000 credit cards, and not just 400,000” wrote on of the bloggers under a notice dealing with the exposure of the card numbers. Other surfers wrote: it is allowed when we are dealing with Jews.”


The Saudi official news agency, an organ of the regime, did not report the story today, but Saudi internet websites reported it extensively and quoted Israeli media.  In the electronic newspaper “A-Sabbak”, the release of the credit data is the main headline under the heading: “claims that Saudi hackers stole data of 400 thousand credit cards of Israelis.”

According to the website, more than 10,000 viewings of the article were registered, and dozens of bloggers have reacted to it. The Saudi newspaper went even further and uploaded the news item to the official website of the newspaper in Facebook, which brought on dozens of “likes” and reactions, in the majority of which the surfers expressed sympathy to the Saudi hackers.

“Well done, naughty boy… the Jews are the most despicable people… Walla, Hitler was right in what he said” wrote one surfer who had read the news. Another surfer adopted the belligerent tone: “the Jews are the filthiest people on earth, and the vilest of the human race, and they deserve even to die”.

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