Britain – Abusive behavior, December 2011 (16 incidents)

03/12/2011 London                                                                             

The reporter was on security duty at a Jewish event which was being held at a Jewish school. A vehicle drove by with three white occupants who shouted “Jew” at the reporter. The vehicle had no lights on and drove off.



The reporter was a guest at a party which was being hosted by a magazine company.

The party was themed in the style of Vintage dress from around the 1920’s – 1940’s. Everyone who attended dressed appropriately. However one guest was wearing a full Luftwaffe style uniform.

When the reporter approached him to express her disgust at his taste he admitted having to wear a long coat to cover it up in order to be allowed admission.


05/12/2011 London

Three visibly Jewish school boys were waiting for the bus outside a Jewish school when a car headed directly at them at full speed.

The occupants of the car were shouting abuse while driving, and the victims had to jump out of theway and run in order to get away from the vehicle.


06/12/2011 Borehamwood, Hertfordshire

A security guard was abused by a white male outside a Jewish school. The man shouted at the guard “you fucking Israeli cunts, go back to Israel where you come from”. He then proceeded to throw a sandwich at the students, who were leaving the school, while shouting abuse at them.


08/12/2011 Golders Green, London

The reporter is the landlord of some Jewish flats in a Jewish area. When he went to visit the tenants of one of the flats he noticed that two eggs had been thrown at the door and two at the window. The     tenants were not in the property but did not want to report this themselves.


08/12/2011 Salford

The victim was standing with a friend, by the kerb waiting to cross the road when a vehicle drove past and the person in the front passenger seat leaned out of the window and shouted a load of antisemitic abuse at them.


10/12/2011 Borehamwood, Hertfordshire

The victim, who is visibly Jewish, was walking to the Synagogue on Saturday morning when he recieved some verbal abuse.

Some local youths started to make comments about his skull cap and made references to “Jew card”.


11/12/2011 Salford

The victim was walking home with friends and was shouted at by three unknown males within the area of his apartment block. The males shouted “Hitler, Hitler, Heil Hitler”.


13/12/2011 Salford

The victim was walking along the road when a vehicle drove past and “filthy Jew”  was shouted at her from within.


16/12/2011 Salford

A visibly Jewish family, living near a Catholic school, received antisemitic verbal abuse from a parent at the school during a parking dispute.


18/12/2011 Golders Green, London

A visibly Jewish woman was walking out of a tube station with her child when she was approached by a man walking behind her. He asked the victim if she was Jewish and told her he was a pagan.

He then said that “Jews teach their children lies and abuse them”.

The woman pulled her child away from the man and near the busy main road and noticed that the offender did not follow them.


19/12/2011 Hendon, London

The victim was waiting for a bus in a prominently Jewish area when he noticed that a couple at the bus stop were staring at him. When he boarded the bus the woman came to sit behind him while the man walked past and gave the victim a dirty look.

Throughout the bus journey the woman moved a few times, once to sit next to the victim and then moved in front next to the man she was with. At one point the man said to the victim “Shes crazy don’t you think?” to which the victim replied “I don’t think so”. The man then turned aggressive and shouted at the victim “you fucking Jew…I’m gonna fuck you up” he also said that if he sees the victim again he will beat him up.

The victim got off at the next stop and the offenders did not follow. 


21/12/2011 Islington, London

The victim was hosting a Chanuka party in a local restaurant. One of the invited guests asked him if she could bring a couple of friends. One of these friends was not Jewish and after seeing the Menorah he started making antisemitic comments. He said that “religious people are stupid and are wasting their time, they should be doing something productive like physics.”

Once the victim noticed the offender was getting aggressive he said to him that as the host of the            party he would like him to leave. The offender then said that “this is exactly what I expected from you. Its typical of Jews to try to stop people expressing their opinions”. He also directed an insult to the victim by saying “its an oxymoron that you can be a pathologist when Israel is causing all these war crimes.”



The victim is a Jewish lady who received a letter in the post that was antisemitic in nature. She knows the person who sent the letter as that same person recently told her “we don’t like Jews… All Jews are old bags.”


30/12/2011 Hendon, London

The victims were walking home from a nearby location and as they crossed over the road they saw a car coming towards them and the front passenger was hanging out of the window and was shouting antisemitic abuse at the victims. He repeatedly shouted “you fucking Jews” and stuck his finger up at the family.

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