Britain – Violent incidents, December 2011 (2 incidents)

08/12/2011 Salford

The victim, a Charedi Jew, was walking along the road when a vehicle pulled up next to him. As he carried on walking an unknown male got out of the vehicle and walked past the victim. The victim      thought nothing further of it until he felt his hat being lifted from his head. The victim stopped looks towards the vehicle and sees the passenger door closing before it drove off. The victim looked around for his hat but it was nowhere to be seen.



The victim was travelling back from a night out and was on the train when he received some antisemitic abuse. The offender called the victim a “fucking Jew” and made gas noises at him as well as asking the victim to get off the train for a fight.

As the train stopped at the offenders destination, he leaned in and headbutted the victim aggressively. The victim jumped up after the offender who was waiting to have a fight on the platform. The victim told the offender that he was not going to fight and the offender walked off while muttering antisemitic remarks.

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