Verbal exchanges, commotion and antisemitism in a reality program on Spanish TV

A Reality program on the Spanish TV ended with commotion, arguments and even with antisemitic expressions that take us back a few years, and which belong more to the Second World War period.

According to the press reports, one of the program main actresses used on a few occasions the word ‘Judiada[1]’, while another participant shouted several times “Jew” towards her opponent, with the aim of insulting him.

These facts only justify the concern of the Jewish community in Spain, which already warned in the past about the strong antisemitic trend reflected in the Spanish society.

All that occurred during the party at the end of the “ in Dire Straits” program broadcast by Tele‑cinco TV company, in which one of the main actresses, Blanca de Bourbon, used the word ‘Judiada’ which had been eliminated from the Lexicon of the Academy of the Spanish Language due to its  deriding character and its provocation of hatred of Jews.

The language and behavior of the actress are a far cry from manners of the nobility, as described by many of the Spanish newspapers that follow this type of TV programs.

But the truth is that the woman wanted to win, and was about to win until a week ago, when she started losing to Negora Robles, who won the contest.

In the next program match, the star was Maria Angeles Delgado, who, when wishing to insult her perpetual opponent Antonio David Flores, called towards him: “Jew”, as if it was a pejorative word.

These antisemitic incidents that were seen in the Spanish TV, only justify the concern of the Jewish community that confirmed, in the Fourth International Workshop on Antisemitism that has taken place recently in Madrid, that Spain heads the list of antisemitic countries in Europe.

A survey ordered by the Management of the Jewish community revealed that 52% of the school‑age children would not like to have Jewish classmates in the classes and 58% of the adult population thinks that Jews possess too much power and that they are all rich.


[1] A word which derives from “Judio” (Jew), that describes an unfair, deliberately fallacious and sometime cruel act, committed against a person or an animal. [Spanish translator’s note]

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