Britain – Antisemitic propaganda, November 2011 (4 incidents)

01/11/2011 Prestwich, Manchester

A swastika was drawn on the side gate of a Jewish home. The following evening a lit smoke bomb was put inside the same gate by unknown individuals.


06/11/2011 Crumpsall, Manchester

A swastika and the words “Jewish Die” were found written on the road side of a railway bridge.

They were written in black spray paint.

08/11/2011 Cleveleys, Blackpool

Antisemitic graffiti and swastikas were found drawn on a shelter in a public park just before Armistice Day.  The graffiti read “Sieg Heil” and a swastika was drawn.


14/11/2011 London

A wreath was left on a war memorial with an antisemitic message.

It read, “RVF.  Unity call worldwide in remembrance of our millions of racial brothers and sisters whose lives were treacherously manipulated and sacrificed by Zionist controlled governments. No more brother wars.”

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