Britain – Abusive behavior, November 2011 (29 incidents)

04/11/2011 Unsworth, Bury

Two visibly orthodox Jewish males, were standing on the corner of the road when a vehicle passed and the occupants of the car shouted “Jews” at them.

05/11/2011 Crumpsall, Manchester

A group of youths were seen in the area causing trouble with fireworks.

They were throwing lit fireworks into peoples gardens, putting them into peoples’ rubbish bins and were throwing them at Jewish pedestrians.


05/11/2011 Salford

The visibly Jewish victim was walking home from Synagogue services when a vehicle passed and something was shouted at him from within.

The victim was not sure what was shouted but felt it was likely to be antisemitic.

06/11/2011 Salford

The victim, a rabbi, found the word JEW written in the condensation on the window of his car. The car was parked on the street outside his house.


07/11/2011 Salford

The victim was walking along the pavement when a car drove past and one of the occupants threw an egg at her. The egg hit her shopping bag.



07/11/2011 Bury, Lancs

The victim, an orthodox Jewish male, was walking to his car, which was parked in a car park, when two Asian males approached him. They shouted at him, “Jew boy, get back in to your car and go”.

The victim, taken by surprise, turned to them and said, “Excuse me?”.      

They then said, “If you don’t leave we are going to beat you up”. The offenders then got in to a car and drove off.


07/11/2011 Salford

The victim received a text sent to her home phone in the middle of the night. The text read, “I hate the Jewish peoples.”

07/11/2011 London

A Palestinian activist arrived to her desk at a London university to find that someone had written

“You fucking Muslim zealot”      

The girl then posted this picture on a social networking website along with the comment “So this morn I got a lovely message at the desk I always sit at. nazis and zionists everywhere. Any ideas on what I should write back?”


08/11/2011 London

A newspaper cutting about Israel was sent to a Jewish company along with a hand written message which read “you are a disgrace to humanity shame on you!”.

08/11/2011 North Finchley

The victim was leaving a Jewish event when two men walked past and said “fucking Jews” and then carried on walking.


09/11/2011 Crumpsall, Manchester

The victim was standing on the street corner near to his school when an Asian couple walked past. As they passed him the man called out to the victim; “Fucking Jewish cunt, Palestine belongs to us.”


09/11/2011 Nottingham

A professional football club’ website had a posting on it which was offensive to Israel and to Jews as a whole.

The posting showed four maps of Israel since 1946 showing the change in land distribution of ‘Palestinian Land’ and ‘Jewish Land’.

It also showed a comment which read, “The main issue is that successive US Governments do not have the backbone to stand up to the very wealthy Jewish lobby in Washington. As such Israel             receive nbelievably preferrential treatment.” and “its high time Palestine got its own state and it is       hypocritical of the West to be such ardent backers of the Arab spring of the one hand and deniers of democracy for Palestine on the other.”          

Another poster said, “You hit the nail on the head mate. I’m not racist but it makes you wonder why (totally over the top) the Germans wanted rid of them if this is what they resort to”


10/11/2011 Cheetham Hill, Manchester

Two Muslim males came into the location – looking like they were on something.

They swore at the admission prices and then one went into the main room where he swore at a group of school children who were there on a school trip. Meanwhile the other one locked himself in the toilets for five minutes.


10/11/2011 Salford

The victim, a sixteen year old girl, was walking home alone one evening when she was accosted by a man.

The man grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her into a wall. She immediately managed to struggle free and ran off while the man shouted “don’t go”.


10/11/2011 Prestwich

The victim, a visibly Jewish schoolboy, was cycling home from school.

On his way home children from another school shouted “fuck off Jew” and “fucking Jews” and started chasing him, but the victim managed to cycle off.


12/11/2011 Crumpsall, Manchester

It was reported that eggs were thrown at a Rabbis house. There has been some trouble with a group of youths in the area over the past couple of weeks.


13/11/2011 Salford

The reporter saw a group of approximately five children, aged around ten, intimidating local Jewish pedestrians.

They were holding out bottles to Jewish women who were passing with their children. They then went on to throw the bottles at a passing bus.



The victim, who is a well known Jew, received an antisemitic message on a social networking site.It read “Perhaps Ernst Zundel had a point”.


15/11/2011 London

A vehicle drove past a Synagogue and the occupant made a gun type gesure with his hand at security on the gate.

The same vehicle and driver had previously been seen doing the same gesture at the Synagogue approximately three weeks before.



The victim was at work and heard a colleague make a comment. She was called Jenni Wright and said, “JEWS ARE RUINING SCOTLAND”. She went on to say that “THE JEWS WERE RESPONSIBLE FOR BOTH WARS AS PART OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER AND THE ECONOMIC COLLAPE WAS AN EFFECT OF THAT”.


18/11/2011 Hendon, London

The victim, who is visibly Jewish, was walking along a road in a prominently Jewish area when a moped drove past and the driver and passenger shouted “Jew boy” loudly at the victim and other Jewish people walking.


22/11/2011 East Barnet, Hertfordshire

Three year seven students at a Jewish school were walking when a man approached them and said “excuse me” and proceeded to push them out of the way.

When the students then walked past the offender shouted at them calling them “fucking gyppo cunts” and then “retarded bitches” he then put his middle finger up and shouted “mental Jewish fuckers”.


23/11/2011 Salford

The victim was riding on his bicycle when a van with reg number P357 PHR and containing three      white males with shaven heads, drove by and shouted “FUCKING JEW” at him.

He was then behind them in the traffic and they continued to make hand gestures towards him in their wing mirrors.


23/11/2011 Ilford, Essex

The victims were on a public bus when they heard some antisemitic abuse.

The offenders were making comments about Hitler and how “all Jews should have been killed”.



The victim is a well known Jewish personality.

He received an antisemitic message through a social networking site.       

It read “I’ve grown to feel comforted by Lord Leveson’s kindly Jewish face”. bet Palestinians don’t      see many kindly Jewish faces in UDF”.

The person the offender was referring to was chairing an enquiry into media ethics and was featured regularly on the news.


24/11/2011 Harrow, Middlesex

The victim is a Jewish security guard working at a Jewish school.

He was on night shifts with a colleague who is not Jewish. Over a three day period, this colleague expressed many antisemitic views.

The victim informed his employer who is Israeli and owns the guarding company that the victim works for. He immediately took disciplinary action against the offender.


25/11/2011 Hendon, London

A visibly Jewish school boy was walking home from school on a Friday afternoon when he received antisemitic abuse shouted from the playground of a school by some local school children.

They swore at the victim and shouted “fucking Jew”. The victim identified the offenders as the same boys who chased him on his bike in the summer.



A Jewish organisation received an antisemitic message on a social networking site.

The message read: “Uh huh, US soldiers murdering muslims to steal their oil, HEROIN, and banking for the “jews” is really commendable.”


29/11/2011 Salford

The victim was driving along the road when two males on a motorbike pulled up alongside him at      the traffic lights. They shouted JEWISH BASTARD at him and then kicked the wing mirror of his car before driving off.

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