March protesting against vandals in Brooklyn

More than 100 people marched to protest against the vandals who set fire to three cars and spray-painted swastikas in Brooklyn on Friday.


The protesters in the predominately Jewish neighborhood in the Midwood section are taking a stand to the suspects.


The vandals sprayed with the letters “KKK” on a van and swastikas on park benches. There were other antisemitic messages of hate spray-painted on sidewalks and driveways.


“I’ve never seen this level of violence here,” said State Assemblyman Dov Hikind. “This goes beyond the pale, blowing up cars in the middle of the Jewish community.”


The march took place down Ocean Parkway and Avenue J and ended at Ocean Parkway and Kings Highway. The march was led by Senator Eric Adams (D-NY), state Assemblyman Dov Hikind, Public Advocate Bill DiBlasio, civil rights lawyer Norman Siegel and other community leaders.


“What happened here on Friday was a sickening and hateful act of prejudice that strikes at the very core of who we are as a city,” said Public Advocate DiBlasio. “Images of burning cars and swastikas represent a history of bigotry that threatens this community’s sense of security, but make no mistake-we will find those responsible.”


Many of the protesters have said this incident occurred one day after the 73rd anniversary of Kristallnacht. Kristakknacht was a series of attacks on Jews in Nazi Germany on Nov. 9-10, 1938. 

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