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To what extent is antisemitism widespread among the Moslems in Germany?

Unfortunately there are still no scientific answers to this question


Berlin Taz – a group of Moslem children and youngsters of Arab origin threw stones at a Jewish dance group during a party that took place in Hanover. The incident occurred in June, 2010 and caused a great tumult. To what extent is anti-Semitism widespread among the Moslems? This question was dealt with also by the “Independent Expert Committee on the subject of antisemitism” in its first report. But the ten experts have not provided an answer: Up until today scientific data that could confirm the extent to which anti-Semitic stereotypes are wide‑spread among the Moslems are absent in Germany.”


The attacks by Moslems are “marginal” according to the statistical reports. More than 90% of the antisemitism-related offenses are carried out by the extreme right people.


The committee of experts raised an interesting question in this matter: couldn’t it be argued that the media’s focusing on the anti-Semitism that is allegedly pervading among the Moslems encourages “repression of the discussion on the subject of antisemitic stereotypes among the general population?”

But the situation is completely different among the radical Moslems who number about 35,000 people in Germany. Here the experts note unequivocally the anti-Semitic opinions which are one of the characteristics of Islam: starting from the Jewish conspiracy of “World Domination” by controlling Wall Street and up to the justification of terrorist attacks against the “Zionists”. Antisemitic propaganda is broadcast today at a considerable extent in Germany by Turkish, Lebanese Palestinian and Iranian media channels.


As an example of the phenomenon the report mentions the stations that can be received via satellites: the Hamas station “ The Al Aqsa Network”, the Hezbollah station “The Al Manar Network” or the broadcasting station “The Islamic Republic of Iran broadcasts”. Their policy, which advocates hatred, poisons also Moslem communities in Germany”, the experts write. But there is no telling how much these broadcastings influence the people who watch them.

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