Oxford Tories’ nights of port and Nazi songs

Oxford University last night launched an investigation into claims that Tory students sang a ‘despicable’ song  celebrating Nazi massacres  during meetings.


Members of the university’s Conservative Association were alleged to have given renditions of the song that revels in the killing of Jews during ‘port and policy’ nights.


One video, filmed in the common room at Corpus Christi college, is said to show a student drunkenly chanting: ‘Dashing through the Reich’, before being silenced by another member.


The song’s full version, to the tune of Jingle Bells, continues: ‘Dashing through the Reich / in a black Mercedes Benz / killing lots of kike / ra ta ta ta ta.’


The word ‘kike’ is a derogatory term for Jewish people.


One member of the Conservative Association, who declined to be named, told the Oxford Student newspaper: ‘Lots of people were singing it that night, and indeed on many other nights, and the general attitude is that that was OK.


‘The thing is, lots of members do find that song, and songs like that one, absolutely despicable, though little is done to stop it. I am very worried with the direction the society is going in at present.’


Pictures taken from ‘port and policy’ nights during the past year also showed members of the society rolling around drunk on the floor.


One was photographed pouring port into a friend’s mouth through a pith helmet.


Another photo shows two members dressed as Margaret Thatcher next to a coal miner outfit bearing an offensive placard which reads: ‘I love shafting.’


Last night, Joe Cooke, a former president of the Oxford University Conservative Association, told the Daily Mail he was resigning from it in protest about the ‘debauched’ behaviour of many of his fellow members.


The third year PPE student said: ‘It is disgusting and goes against everything the Conservative Party stands for. I am completely disillusioned.


‘I came from a single-parent family and went to a state school and had to work for everything I have achieved.


‘But unfortunately the majority of members are rich former public schoolboys with a great sense of entitlement who are far more interested in drinking port than discussing policy.’


A former treasurer of the association recently wrote to members to complain about the ‘excessive and crass’ singing at meetings.


He wrote: ‘The dissonance is enough to inflict pain as short, spotty, still-pubescent boys struggle to fix their unsteady voices on any pitch at all.


‘This unbridled clamour is disturbing finalists who live near the Union, many of whom are sounder Conservatives than most, but who don’t feel the need to dress up in ridiculous clothes or pretend that we still have an empire.’


David Cameron and former Tory leaders Michael Howard and Iain Duncan Smith have all given talks to the association in recent years.


Its former presidents include Cabinet members William Hague and Jeremy Hunt.


The OUCA is affiliated with Conservative Future, the party’s youth wing, and regularly supports candidates in local elections.


During last year’s General Election, five former presidents stood for parliamentary seats.


The Nazi song allegation is just the latest controversy to hit the association in recent years.


Two years ago it was temporarily banned from using Oxford University in its title after members were urged to compete to see who could tell the most offensive racist joke.


Yesterday an Oxford University spokesman said: ‘The university proctors, who are responsible for discipline, have been made aware of the [Oxford Student] article and will be considering whether there are grounds for further investigation.


‘The university strongly condemns any form of racism or discrimination.’


James Lawson, the current president of the Conservative Association who took over after the alleged racist singing took place, said he had started an investigation into the allegations.


He said: ‘If it turns out this person is a member we will take immediate action to expel them from the association. Racism has no place in the association or our society.’

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