Outrage over alleged sighting of members of Hungarian far-right at Auschwitz

A group of 50-60 Hungarians visited the Auschwitz death camp on Sunday, many of them wearing the uniform of the Magyar Gárda, Népszabadság reports.


Several of them carried the Árpád-stripe flags associated with the Hungarian far right and one wore a scarf with a swastika.


Some were reportedly laughing and making boorish remarks, and had themselves photographed making the Nazi salute under the caption at the gates “Arbeit macht frei”.


When the tour guide mentioned the number executed by gas, some of the Hungarian party said “more should have been”.


Hungarian Jewish federation Mazsihisz filed a report at the Prosecutor General’s Office on Wednesday, saying “the group has desecrated the largest Hungarian cemetery, where more than 400,000 Hungarians were murdered in 1944″.

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