An antisemitic proclamation

Conceptión del Uruguay – the antisemitic proclamation, calls for boycotting the Jewish merchants in Conceptión del Uruguay, in revenge for the criminal deeds of the Jewish‑Israeli state against the Palestinian people. The organization “INADE Entre Rios” has filed a criminal complaint in the federal court against anti-Semitic expressions.


No organization has singed the proclamation, which appeared on the streets of Conceptión del Uruguay, and raised much concern due to its contents, which constitute a violation of Law no. 23,592, that prohibits discriminatory actions.


The proclamation calls for boycotting Jewish businesses, with the assumption that “all the money they earn is sent to Israel to finance the criminal Zionist acts”. The announcement is made as a result of the aggression against the Palestinian people in the recent bombardments of Gaza, and at its conclusion two requests are introduced: on the one hand, the “moral duty” of the Argentine state to sever its relations with Israel, and on the other hand, a request addressed to the readers, to take a picture of the proclamation and distribute it. This was published in “Miércoles Digital”.


In view of these facts INADI Entre Rios has filed a criminal complaint about antisemitic expressions and has strongly condemned the proclamations. In parallel, the organization has expressed its identification with the Jewish community. “This type of action is a despicable manifestation of anti-Semitism and it offends the honor and memory of all the inhabitants of Entre Rios” was stated in the formal announcement.

The complaint was filed before the Federal Judge Guillermo Quadrini because of the graffiti in the town of Concordia, and a request will be submitted to add this new fact. In addition, an investigation will be launched in order to elucidate the case and find the culprits, subject to the regulations of Law no. 23,592.


Maria Jose Luvartino, president of the INADE organization, said: “we again deplore any form of discrimination and violation of human rights, and we claim that nothing justifies anti-Semitism or xenophobia. We have declared repeatedly on various occasions, and we declare once again, that we reject any expression of antisemitism”. 

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