Ultra Orthodox Jews attacked in Lakewood: Yeshiva student hospitalized

Lakewood, NJ – A weekend of violence passed over the Lakewood municipality. A group of black youths attacked yeshiva students in a number of locations throughout the city, and its ultra orthodox residents are afraid to walk alone at night.



Not long after the end of the Sabbath, a group of black youths assaulted an 18 year old yeshiva student who had been walking alone in Pearl St. near Ocean Street. The youths attacked the victim from behind and beat him over the head with an iron bar, while cursing him with anti-Semitic abuse.


The yeshiva student fell to the ground unconscious. The attackers left the scene under the cover of darkness.


Another local yeshiva student passing by the scene in his car noticed the victim lying on the road and alerted the ambulance and police forces. He was evacuated to hospital in serious condition. The police are waiting for an improvement in his condition in order to gather evidence from him regarding the identity of his assailants.


The previous evening, on the Sabbath eve, three blacks had attacked a yeshiva student who was about to enter his yeshiva located on William Street in Lakewood.


The assailants surrounded the victim and demanded money from him. He explained that because of the holiness of the Sabbath he wasn’t carrying any money however his pleas fell on deaf ears and the attackers beat him mercilessly. When he began to scream for help, other yeshiva students came to his aid and the assailants fled the scene.


Not long after, they returned to the yeshiva to throw stones at the dining room windows which were smashed. The police were alerted to the scene.


The police have been unable to apprehend those responsible and are requesting the assistance of the public in locating them.

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