Survey shows ‘ingrained, pervasive’ antisemitic views in Argentina

Stigmatization of Jews reflected in views that Jews have a higher economical power than expected or desirable and that Jews are more loyal to Israel than Argentina.

Antisemitic views are widespread within Argentinean society, a new poll released Monday showed, with a majority of respondents displaying what polltakers considered to be “ingrained, pervasive” anti-Semitic attitudes. 

The poll was conducted by the Anti-Defamation League and the Delegación de Asociaciones Israelitas Argentinas (DAIA), the umbrella organization for Argentina’s Jewish community. It included responses from 1510 men and women aged between 18 and 65. 

The results of the poll indicated that a majority of respondents believe Jews have too much power in the business world and that Jews are more loyal to Israel than to Argentina.

When asked whether Jews were mainly interested in doing well in money and in business, 82% answered positively, with 51% saying they strongly agree and 31% saying they partially agree. This was compared to the 5% who disagreed, 11% who stayed neutral saying they “do not agree or disagree” and 2% who said they did not know or did not answer.

68% of people surveyed agreed with the statement, “Jews have too much power in the business world”, made up of 34% who strongly agreed and 34% who partially agreed. 18% said they do not agree nor disagree, 5% partially disagreed and 4% strongly disagreed. 5% did not answer or said they do not know.

Furthermore, 65% agreed that Jews have too much power in the international financial markets, while 10% disagreed.

However, more respondents did not believe Jews had any responsibility for the international economic crisis (43%), even though 14% said Jews were partially responsible and 2% said they were completely responsible.

The poll also showed that more than half the respondents agreed that Jews are more loyal to Israel than to Argentina, with 26% strongly agreeing, 26% partially agreeing 10% partially disagreeing and 8% strongly disagreeing with the statement.

Almost half the participants, 49%, said Jews talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust, but only 22% said they believe the Jews are to blame for Jesus Christ’s death.

21% of people surveyed said anti-Israel sentiment was the cause of violent acts against Jews, while 66% said anti-Jewish sentiments were to blame. In addition, 14% said their opinion of Jews was influenced by the measures taken by the State of Israel, while 69% said their opinion was not influenced by such measures.

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