Swastika and antisemitic signs in a Protestant Church

Wrocław – The slogan “gang against Jews” and a swastika as well, were sprayed on the walls of the Protestant Church named after King Gustav Adolf in Sępolno. Such signs have recently appeared more frequently across the town.


So far, the police did not find the perpetrators of that offense yet. “…and we are trying to smear and cover up the sign, even though it’s not an easy task – (Judging) according to the dye quantity used by the vandals”, says Stanisław Blank, the Protestant Abbey’s priest.


The residents of Sępolno are shocked and stressed. “No normal human being can contemplate worshiping Hitlerism and drawing swastikas”, says Olga Pietczak, a pensioner from Mitzkievitz Street. “The Germans murdered Poles in the name of their idiotic ideas. For them, our people was worthy of death, similarly to the Jews. How can a Pole behave in such manner? Those are surely sick or cripple-minded people”, the old lady says nervously.

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