Britain – Abusive behavior, August 2011 (16 incidents)

01/08/2011 Salford, Manchester

The visibly Jewish victim was walking down the road when a vehicle drove past and the passenger shouted “fucking Jew” out of the window at him.


01/08/2011 Salford                                                                           

A white male passenger in a vehicle shouted “Jew” at a visibly Jewish couple crossing a road. A white female passenger was also heard laughing loudly.


04/08/2011 Salford

A visibly Jewish man was standing outside his home in a Jewish residential area when a vehicle drove by and the occupants shouted racial abuse and threw eggs towards him.


06/08/2011 Borehamwood, Hertfordshire

The victim was walking home from Synagogue with his family following Saturday morning prayers when a van drove past them and shouted “Jews”.



The victim was on a social networking site and made a comment about what to wear for a Muslim friends wedding.

She jokingly said that she should wear traditional Muslim robes with a huge Star of David around her neck.

Someone else made a comment about getting an “RPG”. The victim then commented saying that it  probably wasn’t a good idea for her to come to the wedding. And the offender then commented again saying “Typical of you lot, always making yourselves the victim”.


09/08/2011 Salford

An abusive message was left on the answerphone of a Jewish-owned business.

The voice was male and had an Asian accent which did not necessarily sound authentic.

The approximate transcript of the message was “Hello, you dirty little Jew. You can step outside when you are 6 or 60. ____ neo-nazi. We want you Judah. We will kill you. We will kill you, you dirty Jew”


12/08/2011 Blackpool, Lancashire

The visibly Jewish victims were walking to Synagogue when they received verbal abuse from passing cars.


19/08/2011 Devon

The victims, who are visibly Jewish, had booked a fishing trip while on holiday. Once arriving at the agreed location, the fisherman refused to take them as they were Jewish.


20/08/2011 Salford, Manchester

A vehicle pulled up outside a synagogue and the driver pressed on the horn. The front passenger, a white male, made a swearing gesture with his hands at the victim before driving off.


20/08/2011 Salford

The victim was walking along the pavement when an occupant of a passing vehicle shouted “You   fucking Jew” at him.


20/08/2011 Edgware, London

Victim was on his way to Synagogue when he was approached by two men who, after asking if he was Jewish, made comments such as “Heil Hitler” “Zieg Heil” and made Nazi salutes.


20/08/2011 Barnet, London

The victim, who was visibly Jewish, was called “Jew boy” while walking  in Barnet.The offenders were two white males.


21/08/2011 Salford

The victim was stood on the road when he was approached by the offender who was verbally abusive and made threats towards him.

The offender said “I’m going to jack you, you fucking Jew” followed by “that’s right skip it you Jewbag.”


26/08/2011 Salford

The victim had parked her car outside her boyfriend’s house in a prominently Jewish area.

The car was attacked with a red spray paint can which was used to start daubing a swastika but ran out before it was completed.     

The rest of the swastika was scratched into the bonnet of the vehicle.


27/08/2011 Woodside Park, London

Victim was walking to Synagogue when an approaching car slowed and a passenger shouted out of the window “fucking Jew”.


31/08/2011 Ilford, Essex

Victim was in the car, being driven home by a Rabbi. They stopped at traffic lights and the car next to them shouted “you fucking Jews, I will get you and kill your mother.”

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