Antisemitic signs in a rental apartments building

Rzeszowa – Yesterday, a rental apartments building at the Kraszewski street in the town of Rzeszów was covered with vulgar slogans of an anti-Semite nature. The signs, whose content was “It’s a shame to be a Jew and not a Pole”, were probably sprayed by the fans of the Resovia sports club (translator’s comment: Resovia is the Latin name of the city of Rzeszów in southeastern Poland). These signs are directed at another soccer club – Stal Rzeszów – for called for a long time, by soccer players and fans, a “Jews’ club”.


The signs appear at the building’s façade and also on the entrance gateway. The housing manager has informed that the vulgar slogans will disappear from the walls until the morning. A notice was given to the police concerning this matter, but the occupants of that rental building and the building’s manager foresee the reoccurrence of similar vandalistic actions. In that same way, several rental houses have already been vandalized in the Kraszewski and Danbrovski streets, located in the town of Rzeszów. Police is looking for the perpetrators of that vandalistic action, and also affirms, and promises as well, that in most cases, they manage to successfully determine the Hooligans’ identities.

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