The new antisemitism in fashion



The Jews living in Germany clearly feel that antisemitism is again rearing its head. The Central Committee of German Jewry condemns this fact.


The old antisemitism can be found everywhere on the internet – in political  forums and in communities. Things appear there that everyone is familiar with as well as shocking things. We are not talking about the riff-raff  but the average German voter.


The Germans write simply what they are thinking and are an embarrassment to our country. The following is a selection of quotations.


The Jews crave money and want more. Immigrants are poor. There is nothing more to add, the reader can imagine the rest.     



*People (the other nations) are different and of a poorer category. We by our nature are better, all (the other nations) are irksome by their nature. We are the healthy crown [the other peoples]  are riff-raff” (quote from a Rabbi)


Anyone who shrugs when discussing the question of antisemitism or who does not express his opinion on the subject, is […] antisemitic. Have I  understood this correctly?

So as not to be perceived as an antisemite, one must study the history of the Jews both present and future.

I thought that the Jews were an independent nation…

An d now on to the next subject,…


There is no need for any further reference to the Central Council of German Jewry, the Jews are always right.


Why should anyone express a clear opinion on a particular subject? The ZdH can also ask the Left Party to express a clear view on the subject of the  superior entity.



  Does a Jewish organization still exist in Germany?  I have seen reports in the press of Jews who claim that the Central Council of German Jewry does not represent them.  If that is the position, they can take a provocative public position with them. 

Am I “anti-German” when I want to break up the BRD?  The Left proves that by its lack of participation in these matters concerning Judaism that it is far away from the “anti-Fascist” Fascism


The worst ones of all are those who try to be “politically correct” and even more so our “peace-lovers”….

Added to this is the fact that Communism resembles Fascism.



“Anti-Semitism also constitutes a danger to the German Jew, therefore the Central Council of German Jewry claims that it is not involved in Israeli politics”.

Let us address the grotesque nature of the word “anti-Semitism”- does Graumann  also want to classify in the future new Germans of an Islamic background, as anti-Semites, when they are expressing criticism against Israel’s actions?


I understand that this criticism of Israeli policy has been perceived as anti-Semitism, but when it is claimed that members of the Left Party are the new anti-Semites, is this in order?

And then he again makes a stereotype comparison between the German Democratic Republic and the Left Party.  Evidence in addition to this is that the most senior positions are filled by dilettantes.


I am not a Nazi when I don’t buy vegetables from Israel in the Supermarket.  There is no connection between this and hatred of Jews.

I do not buy Israeli vegetables because I prefer to support the local market and our agriculture, first and foremost because these are vegetables that are also grown here.

And also because I am naive enough to believe that fresh produce has to travel such a long distance.

The dates that are not grown here are for example exceptional and I buy those imported from Algeria because they are more tasty.

And I do not buy avocadoes from Israel because they are simply too small, so I prefer those that come from Latin America.  Also they do not taste of urine


The idea of anti-Semitism has become a combative concept.  Ultimately we are concerned with one question only – what is your opinion about Israel?  Do you lean that way or another, this will be what paints you as an anti-Semite, a Jew hater, an anti-Zionist, Nazi … as a friend of Israel – this is indeed a wide selection.  Just like a wide range of political statements, and this question also arises within Israeli society itself … it is funny to see how the Israeli extremists of the Right and the religious portrayed Yitzhak Rabin in SS uniform.


And there we shall conclude.  I could cite other examples but these are sufficient for the purposes of a brief illustration.


Where is Germany headed?

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