2010 Antisemitism report in Switzerland,

BERN – In the past year have been counted 138 antisemitic incidents in Switzerland, 104 of them in western Switzerland, 34 in the German-speaking Switzerland and one in Ticino. Discrepant figures are, however, depending on the different method of case reporting.

In German-speaking Switzerland measurement being made by the Federation of Jewish Communities (FSCI) and the Foundation against Racism and Antisemitism (GRA), which today released a joint report. In western Switzerland but the count is kept by the inter-Coordination against antisemitism and Defamation (CICAD).

The 34 cases in the German-speaking Switzerland are divided into 16 acts defined as “serious” and 18 “worrying”, according to the report. It is in most cases written statements, such as letters, articles, graffiti and contributions in the electronic media.

In western Switzerland, as well as worldwide antisemitic incidents were down from a year earlier. In this region, the report finds that the antisemitic episodes often coincide with the violent events that occur in the Middle East.

The Full Report

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