Britain – violent incidents, April 2011 (6 incidents)


Salford – A green vehicle drove past the victims, all year 9 Jewish schoolchildren, and one of the occupants shouted something inaudible at them. A lit firework was then thrown at them from the same car.



Manchester – The victim was standing at the gate of the location acting as a volunteer security officer when a            plastic bottle of water was thrown at him from a passing vehicle. The bottle missed. The victim did not manage to get a description of the vehicle, due to the speed of the incident.



The injured party was waiting at a bus stop for the number 82 bus in the Swiss Cottage area when a   male approached who he recognised as Husam Hamed who was a student with him at QE School 2 years ago.  The injured party greeted Husam saying “How are you?” to which the offender replied “Who   do you think you are? Never speak to a Muslim like that again”.  The injured party replied “What are you    talking about? What have I done to you?”

The offender then punched the injured party in the face 4-5 times.  The injured party did not retaliate   and the man left. 

The injured party believes that the following was said whilst being assaulted “fucking Jew” and something about Hitler, Zionism and Nazis.



Salford – The reporter informed the police of a vehicle seen in the area with part reg of PUB. It had been seen touring the area and the occupants were throwing eggs at the Jewish community.



A couple was walking along when a car hooted at them as it went past.  The car returned and a bottle was thrown which landed at the wifes’ feet.



Edgware, Middx – The victim was walking along the road when something hard hit him on the leg.  It was an egg thrown from a vehicle.  No details of the car or its occupants were recorded.


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