2010 Antisemitism report in Canada

The League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith Canada has released its most recent Audit of Antisemitic Incidents, an authoritative study of patterns of prejudice released each year in this country. In total, 1,306 incidents were reported to the League in 2010, representing a 3.3% increase over the 2009 data, and a more than four-fold increase over the past ten years.

“Incidents were reported across the country in synagogues, schools, playgrounds, on campus, at street rallies, sporting events, workplaces, even reaching people’s own homes,” said Frank Dimant, CEO of B’nai Brith Canada. “This kind of hatred is infectious and insidious. It destroys the very fabric of Canada’s multicultural society, and those that would deny its gravity are part of the problem, not the solution.

“Antisemitic canards continue to gain traction with new technologies giving a modern twist to age-old anti-Jewish messaging. Cyber-bullying – in this case antisemitic – is just one of the newest threats to society.

“Society appears to be getting desensitized to anti-Jewish racism and, in response, we note an increasing tendency in our community to remain silent when targeted. This is the new challenge we have to overcome.

“With the federal election just round the corner, this is a prime time to call on all candidates to commit to the recommendations we have put forward, in order to demonstrate their commitment to the welfare of all communities in Canada today.”

Audit of Antisemitic Incidents

National Executive Summary

Quebec Regional Summary

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