2010 Antisemitism report in French-speaking Switzerland (Suisse Romande)

For seven consecutive years the CICAD has been publishing the Annual Antisemitism Status Report for Romandie, Switzerland. This document sheds light on the incidents that are noted every year by the CICAD, and presents its analysis results.


During 2010 Romandie has seen a decline in the number of Antisemitic incidents compared to 2009. Yet, this number remains a cause for concern due to the progression of internet-based messages and the lack of control over them. As indicated in the previous report, the use of media platforms for Antisemitic propaganda purposes has remained a problem. This growing and expanding phenomenon shows clearly the free prevalence of the racial and antisemitic discourse.


This fact is a cause of concern for the CICAD and it proves that additional efforts can be undertaken.


In order to fight this affliction, certain initiatives should be undertaken to prevent racial or antisemitic phenomena. To this end, the CICAD specifies six recommendations in this report. 


The CICAD hopes that 2010 will witness a decrease in the number of antisemitic incidents, although caution must be undertaken in light of the former, already known, elements, and the fact that some very serious incident have already been brought to our attention.


The fight against the expressions of racism and antisemitism concerns all of us.


The report can already be downloaded in a PDF format in the following URL:


Download report in French (pdf)

Download paper in French (doc)

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