Swastika thong: yours to buy online

An online retailer has removed a range of products, including underwear and baby clothes emblazoned with an image of a swastika superimposed on a star of David, after a complaint from the JC.


cafepressCafePress, has removed the products, which had been sold since 2009 as part of the True Nazis range and carry the slogan, ‘What Is The Different?’.


But it still offers scores of other offensive items.


The range included T-shirts, (for dogs and humans), underwear, mugs, bags, teddy bears, bibs and even a babygro.


CafePress, which is used by suppliers who upload products through an automated online system, is based in California but with a UK website, and has 11 million unique visits per month looking at more than 250 million products.


But following a complaint by the JC on Wednesday, the range of 48 products was removed.


Marc Cowlin, the site’s marketing director, said: “While we do have strict policies on what is acceptable and what is not, at times questionable designs can either slip through the cracks and make it to the live website, or fall within a grey area of acceptability.”


The site still offers merchandise with the slogans: “Stop Nazionism”, “End the Israeli Holocaust” and “Boycott the terrorist state of Israel”.


Mark Gardner, from the Community Security Trust, said: “The problem with user-generated content, whether on YouTube, newspaper comment threads or in this instance on T-shirts and babygros, is of course that somebody needs to take responsibility for saying what is acceptable and what is hateful and threatening.


“We welcome this belated decision to remove this material but it is likely that further offensive material remains, and will do so in the future.”

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