Antisemitic article in Students’ Newspaper

In the March edition of the “Caducee”, the magazine of the Solvay students’ group in the Free University of Brussels, one can read an article entitled “Which religion to choose?” [“Quelle religion choisir?”] , an article the purpose of which is to persuade the Jews to join the group.


Thus, you can read in large type the following words:


“Judaism: Be prepared to join in the adventures of Minus + Cortex and are you interested in joining an international movement whose secret objective is to take over the world?  Have you registered for Solvay because the very mention of the word “Gold” increases your heartbeat to the pace of the jangling of the currencies that you have hidden in your case that you are carrying around your neck?  Do you think that you are wearing an old hat, and you want to put on a much more compact, newer hat, in other words, a skull cap?  Look no further than in the direction of the Polish furnaces, the neighbourhood synagogue or the Rabbi will explain to you what is necessary!  As with the Muslims, look how he will try to take some of your family jewellery from you.”


Following the baptism of the Solvay group in November 2010 during which flags were raised bearing swastikas in order to baptise “the Greens”, including Jewish students, a member of the group today made a particularly Antisemitic presentation, amongst others, of Judaism.


The Belgian Jewish Students’ Union (UEJB) immediately responded to this publication, it demanded, amongst other things, from those directly responsible (the Editor in Chief and writer of the article), that a letter of apology be sent to it immediately and that it be published in the next edition. 


On April 1, the Editor in Chief of “Caducee” and President of the Solvay group, sent a letter of apology to UEJB.  The writers stated the following:


“By this letter, Solvay group wishes to apologize to those readers who were perhaps shocked or offended by the article “What religion to choose?”


We understand that the passage about “the Polish furnaces” was especially liable to offend the sensibilities of some of you.


In no way was the purpose of the article to offend or be disrespectful to anyone.  It is for this reason that the editors of “Caducee” and the Solvay group are sincerely apologising to those persons who were offended or harmed by the article.


Further to this “apology”, the UEJB has decided to publish a public advertisement concerning the incident, attaching the response of Solvay group.  It will also be seeking a meeting with the Dean of Solvay faculty in order to inform him of the exceptional and insufferable conduct of some of the students.

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