Palestinian incitement: Jews receive ‘Der Stürmer’ depiction

Horrific Itamar terror attack leads Jerusalem to launch efforts to counter Palestinian Authority incitement against Jews, Israelis. ‘Events of Friday night express way Palestinian Authority presents attitude of hatred, demonization towards Israelis,’ says Strategic Affairs Ministry chairman.


Jerusalem will launch efforts to explain how Palestinian incitement against Israel eventually led to the shocking terror attack in which five members of the Fogel family from the settlement of Itamar – Rabbi Udi Fogel (36), his wife Ruth (35) and three of their children – Yoav (11), Elad (4) and Hadas (3 months) were brutally murdered.


Chairman of the Ministry of Strategic Affairs Brigadier General (Res.) Yossi Kuperwasser will present data on Palestinian Authority incitement against Israel at Sunday’s government meeting. According to Kuperwasser, the Israelis are “depicted in caricatures like eastern European Jews in ‘Der Stürmer’ (a Nazi propaganda newspaper), that you can justifiably attack. Hence, the struggle against them is legitimate.”


Kuperwasser said that the Palestinian Authority incitement against Israel has been going on for over a year: “The events of Friday night are, in a way, an expression of the way the Palestinian Authority presents an attitude of hatred and demonization towards Israelis in general and especially towards settlers. These phenomena create a situation where it occurs to someone to carry out an attack like the appalling events in Itamar.”


He said that even today the Palestinian Authority clearly states that an armed struggle is the preferable method to ‘liberating’ Palestine. This was approved by the last Fatah convention which was held in Bethlehem, there has been no change on that issue.”


Kuperwasser also presented an example of the Palestinian incitement. “For example, over the last few months a song by an Egyptian singer calling for people to carry out terror attacks has been aired in the Palestinian media.


“The song justifies carrying out acts of Jihad. This also comes up in songs studied in schools in the eighth grade. Palestinian girls sing songs filled with promises of give Israel a severe beating. These are then praised and glorified by the Palestinian Authority,” he said. 


Kuperwasser also mentioned statements made by senior Palestinian officials: “While the victims’ blood was still congealing, (Palestinian President) Mahmoud Abbas was meeting with a young Palestinian taking part in a competition. His sole talent is reciting far from peaceful songs about Palestinians – focusing on suicide bombers and martyrs.


“It can also be seen in the way the Palestinians addressed this shocking terror attack. There isn’t even one expression of true aversion and deep disgust from this incident. Even when they upon occasion condemn terror attacks, they do so by saying that they impede the progress of the Palestinian issue.”


Another area of incitement being reviewed is the attitude to peace: “They say that Jews have no right to be in this region, Jews have no right to be here. This is especially noticeable in school text books, where Israeli presence isn’t even mentioned. There are no maps with Israel.


“One famous incident which occurred recently involved the Palestinian information ministry publishing an article written by one of its deputy ministers claiming that the Western Wall and the Jews had no historical connection.”


According to Kuperwasser, “The bottom line is that the Palestinians through this incitement send a message that terror and an armed struggle are legitimate, even if there is no need for it at the moment because it isn’t beneficial. Jews and Israelis, especially settlers, but not limited to them, are subhuman.”


Kuperwasser added: “We have repeatedly demanded that the Palestinians put a stop to this phenomenon. The Palestinian PR machine is funded by the international community. The school textbooks are funded by the Europeans, the media outlets by international sources. This is essential to the promotion of regional peace.


“The world must call on the Palestinians to put a stop to the incitement. When Abbas chooses a band calling for the annihilation of Jews to play at festivals, then how can you even dream of reaching an agreement?”


In response to the question – is the Palestinian Authority responsible for the terror attack in Itamar, Kuperwasser said: “I don’t think the Palestinian Authority sent the terrorist, that’s not the issue. But by creating an atmosphere calling on Palestinians to rise against the right of Jews to be here, by presenting Jews as cruel creatures with no legitimization – this allows Palestinian terror to exist.


“The Palestinian Authority isn’t interested in carrying out terror attacks, but at the same time does nothing to stop the incitement. Thus, various people think they have the message right and decide to carry out attacks. The fact that someone can stand in front of a three month old baby and slit her throat – that’s unimaginable. The brainwashing of the Palestinian public has been going on since Oslo, this must be stopped.”


A website with an index measuring Palestinian incitement will be launched soon to counter the Palestinian Authority incitement.

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