Stones thrown at display window of book shop

CRACOW – A young man broke the display window with stones, of the Matras Book Shop in the Central Market in Cracow, in which books edited by Adam Michnik were displayed.  Employees of the Book Shop claimed that this was not a random and normal act of hooliganism.  There was being displayed in the shattered shop window, a work consisting of three volumes called “Against Antisemitism” published by ‘niversitas’ book publishers edited by Adam Michnik.  Close surveillance was kept after the stone was thrown and the person responsible for security caught the offender and handed him over to the police.  The offender is a 33 year old resident of Cracow.  When he was arrested he was found to be under the influence of alcohol.  The damage is estimated at approximately 200 zlotys, and a representative of the book shop has submitted a formal request to the police to prosecute the perpetrator of the attack.

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