Egypt assault victim Lara Logan also faced Jewish slur

CAIRO – An American journalist who was sexually attacked while working in Egypt last week was allegedly also subjected to anti-Jewish chanting.


CBS news reporter Lara Logan is recovering from “a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating”, the news organisation said last night.


They said: “She and her team and their security were surrounded by a dangerous element amidst the celebration. It was a mob of more than 200 people whipped into a frenzy.”


Ms Logan was in Tahrir Square covering the uprising and the reaction to President Mubarak’s decision to stand down when she was attacked.


She was later rescued by a group of women and Egyptian soldiers.


According to reports in the New York Post, Ms Logan’s attackers also shouted at her “Jew, Jew”. The 39-year-old South African born writer, a former GMTV presenter, is not believed to be Jewish.

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