Britain – Antisemitic propaganda, January 2011 (6 incidents)



A note chastising the Jews for not following the word of Jesus was found attached to the front gate of a synagogue.




A newspaper cutting was sent to a Jewish organisation.

It was of a story of a Palestinian woman who was killed at a protest in the West Bank.

Next to the newspaper cutting someone had written “are you satisfied yet”.





The victim returned home and found the word “JEW” had been written in the frost on her car.




An antisemitic email was sent to an organisation which promotes Holocaust awareness.

The email had various antisemitic comments and references, including “Praise for Adolf Hilt er adn the  final solution due to your crimes against me the only crime adolf hitler commited against the Jews is that  he only killed some of them and not all of them not enough of them. perish accursed Judea. The yids  the yids we have got to get rid of the yids…” (sic)




The reporter noticed that some Swastikas and Star of Davids had been drawn on various bus stops near to a town hall.       

The graffiti was noticed the day after national Holocaust Memorial Day and following an event which was held at the town hall.




During the Great Britain’s national day of Holocaust remembrance, a lecturer on a university campus hijacked the service at the Anne Frank tree to accuse Jews/Israel of committing genocide in Gaza.

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