Britain – Abusive behavior, January 2011 (12 incidents)



The reporter witnesses a vehicle occupied by two Asian males of around 30 years who shouted at Jewish pedestrians as they drove past them.




A schoolgirl was walking home from school when she was confronted by some boys from a nearby school. One of the boys said “Your nose is bigger than Hitlers gas bill”



The reporter who is a school boy, was on a bus on the way home from school.  As a fellow student left the bus, the driver shouted “Nazi coward” at him.  The victim is visibly Jewish.




A group of three youths entered the school gates.  There were some 6th form female pupils in the grounds and the three boys shouted Hitler slogans and “Dirty Jews” at them. Security told the boys to leave the premises and after a brief exchange of views they left, and walked towards the high street.  School security has filmed the three perpetrators on CCTV.




The reporters uncle was dressed in Charedi garb and was walking back from synagogue.  He crossed the entrance to the BP petrol station when a vehicle sped up and nearly hit him.




The reporter was escorting a group of visibly Jewish children on a day trip.    

They were on a coach and pulled up at in some traffic. A vehicle pulled up alongside them and the passenger made Nazi salutes out of the window.




The reporter was at a Synagogue which was hosting a special dinner for a festival.

There was a vehicle parked within the grounds of location which contained 2 white males.  

The men asked what the location was and they were informed that it was a Synagogue. They were asked to leave as they were on private property. As they left they wound down their window and asked for the nearest butcher. When a local store was suggested the driver of the vehicle said “is it a proper butcher only in the morning we want to buy a load of pork”.




A Rabbi was leaving his building when he was harassed by some Muslim youths in a passing vehicle.



The victim was walking home from a Synagogue following Shabbat services.

He was walking with some other people including a Rabbi.

A vehicle started revving its engine and driving aggressively towards the group.



Whilst in a store in a shopping mall, the reporter overheard two staff members who were talking very loudly.   

Part of the conversation that was overheard was  “Allegedly it’s not the Americans who make the decisions in America, it’s the Jews!”….




The victim was verbally abused by a passing vehicle, the occupants shouted “dirty Jew”



The victim is a Jewish teacher at a non-Jewish school.  

She has been victim to various antisemitic incidents from both staff members and students.           

On one occasion she noticed that “Kill Jews” had been etched into a computer.

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