Britain – Violent incidents, January 2011 (6 incidents)


ILFORD, ESSEX                                                                                                                         

There have been numerous incidents from local residents against a Synagogue.      

The latest one involved the perpetrators throwing objects at the community and shouting “pikey’s against Jews” and “your time is up”. Over a period of time around £3000 worth of damage has been caused to the Synagogue.




The victim was away from his home for a few days when it was broken into.   

The perpetrator drew a smiley face on the wall and wrote “catch me if you can – Jewish cunt”.




2 large bricks were thrown at the window of a Synagogue.        

The windows are protected with film as part of CST’s protective window project and as such the glass remained within the window frame and did not shatter.




The victim is a parent at a Jewish School who was on security duty at the location. A man was seen driving dangerously close to the school and had narrowly missed knocking some of them down.     

The victim approached the man and tried to point out he was on security for the school. The perpetrator shouted “oh the fucking Jewish school”. The perpetrator walked away. When he returned the victim again tried to point out that he was politely asking him to drive more carefully. The perpetrator started swearing again and walked back to his car. When he drove off he accelerated and attempted to run over the victim. The victim managed to jump out of the way in time.




The victims were walking along the road when they were hit with an egg thrown from a passing vehicle




Eggs were thrown at a synagogue.

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