Marking Holocaust Memorial Day with Holocaust denial

On 27 January 1945, the largest Nazi killing camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau, was liberated.


27 January 2011, is Holocaust Memorial Day.


On 25 January 2011, an excellent website entitled “The Holocaust Explained” was launched at the Foreign Office by Sir Andrew Burns (UK envoy for post-Holocaust issues) and Michael Gove MP (Secretary of State for Education). The website is managed by the London Jewish Cultural Centre. The purpose of the website is to educate schoolchildren about the Holocaust.   


The following day, 26 January 2011, the website of Iran English Radio, a branch of IRIB (Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting) denounced the launch of “The Holocaust Explained” website and explicitly denied that the Holocaust had ever occurred. This is what they wrote:



The British government has officially launched a controversial website titled “The Holocaust Explained”, as part of the West’s futile efforts to depict a myth as a reality.

The triumphant powers of World War 2 allege that Nazi Germany killed six million European Jews, mostly in gas chambers, but as pointed by historian neither the number of all Jews in Europe was anywhere equal to the figures of the holocaust nor were any gas chambers found in Nazi controlled areas – similar to the current lack of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq contrary to US allegations for starting war and occupation.

The holocaust, on which independent research is strictly banned in the West, was nothing but a preposterous claim to settle European Jews in the Muslim land of Palestine by falsely creating a sense of oppression for the Zionists.

According to IRNA, British Envoy for what is called post-Holocaust issues, Sir Andrew Burns, launched the multimedia website, which as announced, has been developed specifically for young people with no prior knowledge of the issues of World War 2.

The launching at the British Foreign Office took place in the run-up to Holocaust Memorial Day on 27 January and was attended by the country’s Secretary of State for Education Michael Gove.

“The Holocaust Explained” website has been developed by the London Jewish Cultural Centre to exaggerate the case of the so-called survivors of what historians consider as a non-event.

It has also been adopted by the National Schools Network, which is the UK collaborative network for education. Its aim is to provide schools with a learning environment and direct access to a growing range of online services and content.

This is while, no one is allowed to carry out research regarding the realities of the claimed myth of Holocaust in the West, and the historians have faced kinds of punishment in case they did so.

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in statements applauded by all independent and conscientious people of the world has proposed due research on the supposed holocaust, questioning that even if it such an event had occurred in Europe, why should the people of Palestine pay for it.


When neo-Nazis deny the Holocaust, nobody hesitates to call them antisemites. Jewish concerns about neo-Nazis are accepted; and neo-Nazis are shunned as the scum that they are. Neo-Nazi Holocaust denial is deemed just about the lowest depth to which they sink.

Iran, however, is so much more serious than a rag-bag of neo-Nazi fantasists, that the two hardly bear comparison. Iran is an intensely proud and historic nation of over 70 million people, a leading regional power in what is the most sensitive area on earth. It is run by Islamic revolutionaries who are frantically seeking to develop nuclear weapons, whilst trying to run surrrogate regimes in Gaza and Lebanon via terrorist groups; and working with agents of influence throughout the world, ranging in importance from the President of Venezuela, to London’s Press TV studios.


The Holocaust denial in the above statement is the filthy reality as to why nobody, including Ken Livingstone, should appear on any Iranian state propaganda outlets; and that includes Press TV, even though it is only that station’s Tehran-based website that has peddled outright Holocaust denial.


Furthermore, it was revealed today that Press TV’s main trading account at the Nat West Bank has been frozen; and that Livingstone does not intend to present the Press TV book-review programme, Epilogue, beyond March of this year. Nevertheless, both Livingstone, and those who have previously gone on Press TV with the very best of intentions in order to argue the case for Jews, or Zionism, or Israel, should ditch Press TV immediately. Ultimately, they all (including Livingstone) risk being inadvertently used to kosherise hatred of the very worst type.


The Holocaust denial is also the filthy reality as to why those who front up or participate in any Iranian propaganda schemes should be shunned by anybody decent; and it is why British pro-Khomenite groups such as the Islamic Human Rights Commission should be regarded with the utmost suspicion, especially when they publish a Genocide Memorial Day calendar that trivialises the Holocaust (as covered here on CST Blog) – although there is surely no way that the IHRC would ever deny the Holocaust.


The sick perversion of the graphic that accompanied the Iran English Radio article says it all.


This was it



A Google Images search shows that the Iranian graphic is cropped from this larger picture below. Note what is missing. The top: Auschwitz-Birkenau, destination of the train tracks. This was not done in order to remove the DVD logo from the top right hand corner, because the lower half of the main photograph is also missing: and that is where the victims appear. 



Finally, one wonders what the Iranian hate-mongers would say about the Exploring Islam Foundation’s activities this week, touring British universities with the Missing Pages campaign to tell how Albanian Muslims saved Albania’s 200 Jews from the Nazis, as well as other Jews to whom Albania had issued visas: “Zionists” would likely be the least of the slurs.

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