Police Protection for Head of the Jewish Community

PINNEBERG – A young Moslem of German origin openly threatened the Chairman of the Jewish Community. Harry. M. called Siebert Wolfgang (63) a “Dirty Jew” and posted a photograph of him on the internet, colored red.

In addition to this M (who calls himself Isa Al-Khattab) issued the following threat “You should watch out that Allah does not already punish you in this world and kill you. This is not a threat from me but of Allah the great and anything can happen.”

The apparent motive: Seibert had strongly criticized the Mosque of the “Muslim Association of Pinneberg” and demanded its closure. The Mosque acts as a meeting place for radical Islamists after the closure of the Al –Quds Mosque.

Seibert is now under police protection! The experts are taking the threat seriously

Claudia Dantschke, of the Center for Democratic Culture in Berlin has published a response regarding the Islamist on the internet: “he apparently hopes that somebody will turn the wish of Allah into reality and carry out the punishment”.

Seibert Wolfgang is not allowing such events to silence him. “I was very afraid at the beginning and immediately filed a complaint”. He has already met with the violent preacher and believes that he “is a threat and is crazy”.

Who is Harry M.? According to BILD Newspaper the youngster grew up in Pinneberg, studied at the school in the town and converted to Islam about a year ago. On his “Islamic Hacker Union” internet site, he states that he lives in Neumunster, but is registered in Pinneberg. He writes on the website: “whoever wishes it to be, Allah will destroy the infidels” he is a regular visitor to the Mosque.

Seibert Wolfgang is seeking to put a stop to this activity: “the Authorities must finally intervene”. 


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