Assaulted because of Jewish appearance

On the upper hall level of the “Chistye Prudy” underground railway station, 28 year old Yekaterina L was the subject of an Antisemitic attack.


When she entered the Hall a group of young boys and girls were already there drinking beer and talking. One of the girls suddenly detached herself from the group and approached Yekaterina asking her whether she was Jewish.


When she did not reply the girl went away but she quickly returned and asked the same question again but in a much ruder way. A negative answer did not satisfy the female assailant who pushed Yekatrina down the stairs, knocked her over and started hitting her.


Three other members of the gang who were also in the hall joined the assailant. The young boys, who were in the group stood aside, watching what was happening.


As a result of the attack, Yekaterina L suffered a broken nose, a bruised face and lost a lot of blood.         

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