Antisemitic propaganda, June 2010 (9 incidents)



Swastikas were spray painted onto Jewish-owned garage doors in Gateshead. Two youths were arrested and bailed.



Antisemitic and Anti Zionist Graffiti was found on a fence in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire. It read “Fuck-in kill all Jews”, “kill Obama” and “death to Israil”.



A Pro-Palestinian sticker was found in the library of a University in Manchester.

The sticker had been overwritten with a Swastika and the words “Fuck Israel”.



Some antisemitic graffiti was seen in a public park in Salford, Manchester. It read “Jews Suck Dick”.



Antisemitic graffiti was seen opposite a Jewish School in Prestwich, Manchester.          

It read “Kill Jew” in red spray paint.



Antisemitic graffiti was found on poles in Borehamwood which were put up to mark the boundary area which enables Jewish people to carry on the Sabbath.

The graffiti read “Jews Out” and had a picture of a Swastika as well as “Fuck off Jews”.



Antisemitic graffiti was found on a Jewish girls school in Salford.   

It read “Kill Jews”. It was written with black spray paint and was approximately 20 cm in height.



Antisemitic graffiti had been daubed on a Jewish school in Prestwich, Manchester.

It read “Kill Jew” and had been written on the wall in black spray paint. The words were approximately 20 cm in height.            

Other schools had also had the same graffiti daubed.



Antisemitic graffiti has been reported, a house in Stamford Hill has a swastika painted on the wall.

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