Abusive behavior, June 2010 (25 incidents)



The victim is a 9 year old boy who has special needs. He was at a school for children with such difficulties in Watford. The school was attached to a main stream school. Without his mothers consent the victim was removed from the special needs unit and placed in the mainstream school.

The victim has been receiving on going antisemitic bullying from other students. One in particular has been violent and has physically attacked the victim. He also regularly gets called “fucking Jew”



An antisemitic letter was sent to a Jewish newspaper in Manchester.

The letter was long and rambling and was not very well written.

Some of the comments were “….deadly warning to all zionist Jews….” and “…. most evil deadly terrorist state on this earth is Zionist Jewish state”.



In Luton, a junior doctor was offered some chicken.  She refused politely, and when the doctor who had offered the chicken found out she was Jewish, he replied with “You don’t look like an evil Israeli”



The victim and her children, who are all visibly Jewish, were in a park in Manchester when 3 females aged approx. 18 started saying “oh look, they’re Jews”, “Jews, look at them!” etc



Driving around Hendon, at the corner of Bell Lane a vehicle has been reported driving around and shouting “Fucking Jew”



The victims were walking on Shabbat in Salford when they were sprayed with water from a passing vehicle. The perpetrators were spraying water guns from within a vehicle, at several visibly Jewish pedestrians. The victims were visibly Jewish.



The victim and her mother were driving in Salford when a vehicle drove alongside them.

The driver wound his window down and asked her “Where is Jewtown”? He then drove off.

The victim is visibly Jewish.



Verbal abuse at a husband and wife walking home.  It was a tirade of antisemitic abuse “Fucking

Jews, you should all die, death to all Jews”.



Two school boys were sat at a bus stop in London when a group of children from another school started saying antisemitic comments.



The victim was walking in Walsall when he passed five Asian males aged in their early 20’s.

One of the perpetrators shouted “JEW”. The victim replied, “oh, hiya” and the perpetrator then replied, “JEW, YOU FUCKING SMELL!”



The victim, who is a Rabbi was walking with two congregants in Leicester.

Just before arriving at the synagogue a black vehicle drove past. The vehicle had tinted windows, but the passenger in the rear seat, and Asian male, had his window down and shouted “FUCKING JEWS”.



The victim is a caretaker at a Synagogue in Salford. He was opening up for Shabbat services when he received verbal abuse from three white male who were under the influence of alcohol.

The perpetrator threw a beer at the victim and called him a “Jewish cunt”.



The victim was walking to a Synagogue in Prestwich, Manchester for Shabbat services.

A vehicle containing 4 white males passed him. As they did they shouted “Dirty Jewish bastard”



The victim was walking home in Essex when a man drove past and made a Nazi salute at him.



The victim was walking in Salford when a vehicle passed her and shouted antisemitic abuse.

The perpetrator shouted “Dirty Jew”.



The victim was walking in Prestwich, Manchester when she received verbal abuse from within a passing vehicle.      

The perpetrators shouted “FUCKING JEW”.



The victim is a solicitor who has been instructed to start proceeding to recover money owed from a former client.

The perpetrator (the former client), made comments in letters to his solicitors and to the police which were antisemitic. The comments were “….who are both Jewish and think they are above the law” and “… has lulled you into the wrong Jewish tricks….”



The victims were walking home following Friday evening Sabbath services in Bury, Lancashire when something was thrown at them.   

The ‘missile’ was thrown but it missed. The victims were unsure what the missile was but thought it was a stone or a can.     

The offender also shouted abuse which included words to the effect of “HITLER  SHOULD HAVE KILLED ALL THE JEWS”.



The victim was walking home from a Synagogue following Shabbat services in Whitefield, Manchester when he received verbal abuse. The perpetrators were 3 white males who shouted “Dirty fucking Jew”.



The victim was walking in Prestwich when he received verbal abuse from within a passing vehicle. The perpetrator shouted “Fucking Jew”.



The victim was walking along Shadwell Lane in Leeds when a vehicle drove past and the occupant shouted “YOU DIRTY JEW” at him.



The victims were a visibly Jewish couple.

As they were walking home on Shabbat in Borehamwood, they saw some white youths using water pistols to squirt         water at passing vehicles. The wife turned to her husband and loudly said “Thats not funny”. At           which point the perpetrators turned the water pistols on the victims and squirted them with water. One of the perpetrators also managed to kick the victim in the head.

A woman from a nearby house shouted “you fucking Jews”


During a sponsored walk approx. 70 visibly Jewish women were walking along the bank of the River Irwell in Salford. As part of the group passed the bridge, 4 White males aged 15-20 who were standing on the bridge began shouting at the group about Jews and Hitler.



The victim is a teacher and is visibly Jewish.     He received several antisemitic comments from students he was teaching for the day in Birmingham. He also intercepted a sheet of paper a student had been drawing on. On the paper was the word “Jew” and a Star of David beneath it.



The victims, who are visibly Jewish, were playing football in London when they were assaulted by a few white youths.           

The perpetrators started by taking the ball from the victims. They then punched one of the victims and wrestled another to the ground. As the perpetrators were leaving, one of them had a look through one of the victims wallets, which was lying on the ground. He saw that there was no money in it and threw it back down. The victim told the perpetrator it was his wallet, to which the perpetrator replied ” what you looking at, you want me to stab you Jew”.

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