violent incidents, February 2010 (3 incidents)


The victim was outside a Synagogue in Harrow, Middlesex when he was approached and threatened.

The perpetrator asked the victim if he was Jewish and then told him to get inside before he beats him up. He threatened to hit him and throw something at him. The perpetrator also called the victim a “Jew, long nose”.



A window on the first floor of a Synagogue in Northwood, Middlesex was smashed by a piece of fruit.

CCTV images showed that three youths were walking down an alleyway next to the location. Upon seeing an object on the floor, one of the youths picked it up and threw it at the location.

The outer pane of glass smashed, but the inner pane didn’t due to it being protected with anti shatter film.



The caretaker of a Synagogue in Northwood, Middlesex opened up the building on his arrival to work and found that a window had been shattered.

Upon reviewing CCTV images it was found that 2 youths had thrown 3 lemons at the location causing one of the windows to shatter but not to break completely as it was protected with anti shatter film.

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