Attack on a young Jewish pupil of a Jewish school in Antwerp


At around 5.30 PM, a young pupil of the Yesodey Hatorah Jewish School in Antwerp was on his way home from school, riding his bicycle, and when he was under the bridge going in the direction of Lamorinierestraat, he was stopped by a man who was also riding a bicycle with his face covered by a Balaclava helmet.


The man on the bicycle asked him where he lived. The boy was scared and did not reply. The man seized him by the shirt and pushed him forcefully against the wall. The boy suffered a strong blow to the head.


Afterwards, the man continued on his way and the boy returned home, He said nothing to his parents about the incident.


Further along the road the man stopped two other pupils from the same school who were also on their way home. He asked them a lot of questions (where do you live, what is your name…). As he would not let them go on their way until they had answered his questions the boys answered him and returned to the school in order to report the incident to the security guard. The guard made a search around the area but could not find the man who had harassed the boys.


On the following day, the first victim heard about the story of the two boys and decided to tell what had happened to him.


His parents took him to the hospital in order to have his head x-rayed. The boy was found to be suffering from slight concussion but was not hospitalized.


Information was given to the Police and an investigation was initiated by the Police.        


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