Greek government condemns priest’s antisemitic statements


The Greek government condemned a high-level Orthodox priest for making antisemitic statements during a television interview.

The Metropolite of Piraeus Seraphim blamed world Jewry for Greece’s financial problems and for other ills in the country during an appearance Monday on Mega TV, Greece’s largest television network.

 “It is not the role of the government to judge and comment on priests’ statements. But it is the government’s obligation to condemn the language of hatred by whoever expresses them,” Greek government spokesman George Petalotis, an assistant minister to Prime Minister George Papandreou said in a statement issued Thursday afternoon. “It is the government’s duty to stigmatize as unacceptable the language that denies the Holocaust, the biggest crime against humanity. These views are pushed to the margins. They insult Greece. They insult our culture. They insult our very society of which the Greek Jewish Community is an inseparable part.

“Every one should know that the Greek polity and our society condemn them unequivocally,” the statement concluded. 

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