Britain – In His Sermons, a Muslim Preacher Called for the Murder of Jews

The cover story of the Times of London of 4 February 2002, reported on the extreme antisemitic activities of the Muslim preacher Faysal al-Abdullah, called Sheikh Faysal, who travels all over Britain inciting to anti-Jewish activities, encouraging Muslim youth to carry arms and murder Jews. In one of his videotapes, called “No Peace with the Jews” and available in Muslim shops for 2 pounds, this radical Muslim presents 19 reasons why the Muslims will never be able to achieve peace with the “Dirty Jews”, and states that “There is no choice but to hate them”. He also asks (and answers) “How do you fight the Jews? You kill them”! Sheikh Faysal exerts great influence, and many of the young people travel distances to participate in his Saturday “study sessions” at the Jagonari Educational Center in the Whitechapel section of London. According to the report, the Center is financed by the European Development Fund and the Local Council.
The head of the Jewish Community Security Organization in London said in reaction to the discovery of the affair that “[We] view as dangerous a person of this kind, who disseminates hate and calls for illegal acts, and call on the British authorities to put a stop to them”. Labor Party MP Andrew Dismore called for pressure on the Home Office and Scotland Yard to get them to deal with these acts of Muslim incitement.

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