Egypt – Blatant Antisemitic Article in the Egyptian Press

On 3 February 2002, an article written by Kamal Mursi appeared in the establishment newspaper Al-Akbar (over the Internet). Mursi said that he once more emphasizes that all the disasters happening in the world today are acts by the Zionists. And it is no wonder that this is so since “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” drawn up by their sages over 100 years ago are being implemented today according to a carefully examined plan and schedule. Witness to this fact is that despite the fact that they are a minority, they (the Zionists) want to take over the world and all the people in it so that they alone would be the lords and everyone else slaves. Even the attacks of 11th September 2001, and all related developments are a crucial turning point in the process where Zionism is taking control of the world’s fate. Parallel to this, they aim to establish a power from the Nile to the Euphrates and from the Ocean to the Gulf, and in order to realize this aim, Zionism is prepared to sign a pact even with the devil.

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