Attack on Jews by Arab Youths at Place Rochefort

On 2 and 3 October, 2001, three antisemitic incidents took place at Place Rochefort in the Ferst quarter in Brussels.
On 3 October, the rabbi of the synagogue on Avenue Du Roi, left the synagogue together with his family. As they were crossing Place Rochefort, a group of about 50 Arab youths began throwing chestnuts at them and shouting “Death to the Jews” and “Dirty Jew”.

On 2 October, 2001, the rabbi’s family had been the victim of a similar incident. A group of about 10 Arab youths harassed and cursed the family. Among other things, they shouted “More dirty Jews – we’ll send you Bin-Laden”. They also threw chestnuts at the rabbi.

On 3 October, 2001, in the afternoon hours, this same rabbi was walking toward the synagogue accompanied by another person. When they again reached Place Rochefort, four Arab youths once again began throwing chestnuts at them and shouting “Death to the Jews” and the like. The youths ran after the rabbi and his friend. One of the Arab youths tossed a garbage can at the rabbi.

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