Egypt – Antisemitic Article in Al-Akhbar

Wajah Abu Dhakri published an article on the 21st June 2002, Internet edition of Al-Akhbar under the title “The Jews are Silencing the Writers in the World” in which he writes: “The ‘Holocaust’ is an unfounded myth which the Jews invented following World War II. This concept hints are the fact that Hitler set up crematoria in which he cremated thousands of Jews alive, but the Jews announced this only after the end of World War II, before the Jews entered negotiations with the Germans on obtaining reparations from Germany, and this Jewish fabrication contributed greatly to the establishment of Israel. They did this, although the fact is that the crematoria were built for the cremation of the bodies of German soldiers who had died in epidemics. Years after the dissemination of this myth, writers in the United States and in Europe began searching for its source, and they became convinced that Hitler did not cremate the Jews. As a result of this, the Jews mounted a vigorous campaign against these writers, accusing them of antisemitism.

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