Egypt – Virulent Antisemitic Article in Al-Wafd

A member of the opposition Al-Wafd Party’s Supreme Council, the historian and journalist Gamal Badawi, wrote in the 26th November 2002 edition of the Party’s daily Al-Wafd: “I found it necessary to read the chapter entitled “Jewish Crime”in the encyclopedia “The Jews, Judaism and Zionism” written by Dr. Abd al-Wahab Al-Masiri. I did this both in view of the excitement aroused regarding the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” and the satanic plan included in it to control the world, to destroy Christianity and Islam and undermine moral values, and in view of the barbaric crimes of the Zionist forces desiring to exterminate a defenseless People. All of these crimes, which have reached an unprecedented high, bear witness to the tendency to shed blood deeply rooted in the Jewish soul, a tendency which religion and civilization have not diminished in scope”.

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