Egypt – The Egyptian Press and the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”.

At the end of November 2002, a number of newspapers in Egypt referred to the television series “The Horseman without a Horse”. The Establishment television weekly, Al-Adha’ah Wal-Telefizion, (owned by the Ministry of Information) prepared a 15-page supplement about the “Protocols”. The magazine supplement does not deal with the question of the authenticity of work and states that the principles in the “Protocols” are applicable to Zionism. The opposition daily Al-Ahlarar published a series of articles in which it presented the “Protocols” in their entirety together with pictures from the Intifadeh. The Nasserist weekly, Al-´Arabi, published the “Protocols” in a five-page article, and it will continue with the rest in the near future.

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